Intercity trains to run from 15 August
- Last Update : 01:38:55 pm, Sunday, 11 August 2024
- / 777 Read Count
Staff Correspondent
The operations of intercity trains will resume on 15 August and passengers can buy tickets online from 5pm on 12 August.
However, the services of Parabat Express and Jamalpur Express will remain suspended.
Confirming the matter to the media on Sunday, Bangladesh Railway Director General Sardar Shahadat Ali said freight trains would start operations on 12 August while mail, express, local, and commuter trains on 13 August.
The Bangladesh Railway suspended operations of passenger trains on 19 July amid the countrywide violence centring the quota reform movement.
Although operations of passenger trains on a limited scale resumed on 1 August, the authorities on 3 August suspended it for 4 August and later halted the operations of all kinds of trains until further notice.