Rajshahi City College Principal resigns
- Last Update : 07:37:25 am, Thursday, 15 August 2024
- / 681 Read Count
Rajshahi Correspondent
A press conference was held alleging the resignation of Rajshahi City College principal Amena Abedin in the face of threats from BNP and Chhatra Dal leaders and activists on Wednesday noon. His son Samiul Ork spoke on behalf of the principal at the Rajshahi Journalist Union office.
In his speech, he shed light on the forced resignation of his mother Amena Abedin by BNP and Chhatra Dal. He also said, My mother Amena Abedin is a teacher and principal of a college. He banned student politics in the college on the morning of August 13 while he was in charge.
Because of this, the conspiracy to resign my mother started. A group of soft-spoken students protested against my mother. Then when the students realized the matter, the misguided youth threatened the local political leaders.
Those political leaders gave 2 hours ultimatum to resign. And if it fails, it is threatened that the outcome will be worse.
He also said in the press conference that my mother resigned under threats. But even then their threats do not stop. My family is being harassed by multiple calls from unknown numbers on mobile phones. My family and I are now in crisis.
At that time, Samiul Ork, an active member of the anti-discrimination student movement of Rajshahi University, son of the resigned Principal Amena Abedin, was present.