Ismail Hania’s death and a new dimension in the war between Israel and Gaza
- Last Update : 10:58:58 am, Sunday, 18 August 2024
- / 1034 Read Count
Iqbal Hossain
After being killed Hamas’s top political leader Ismail Hania in a secret-attack by Israel in Tehran who came to take part in the oath function of the Iran’s new President the war between Gaza and Israel has got a new dimension.
The Iran-government could not consider such killing event. The government has considered this incident as the insulting and threat for the country. Iran has made responsible Israel for this brutal killing. Top-most religious leader of Iran Ayatullah Ali Khomeni has called the Iran-government to pay Israel a well suited punishment. It is mentioned that before it Israel killed some top leaders of Hamas by secret-attacks in Gaza. Founder and religious leader of Hamas Ahmed Yahsin, assistant-founder Abdel Aziz and Commander Saleh Sehadah were among them.
After killing of Hamas-leader Ismail Hania Israel is not in well-being. Iran and its friendly countries have promised to attack Israel making responsible for this killing and feared Israel’s now waiting with anxiety for that probable counter-attack. The Reuters have informed that Israel has stored blood-supply in a protected underground center.
The dangerous elements have been removed from the factories and the authorities are verifying the bomb-shelter and water-supply managements. The armed-group Hijbullah of Lebanon has begun Drone and Rocket-attack in North Israel. But in the meantime Hijbullah informed warning Israel that they made that a promise of taking revenge of killing a top Commander which is not taken till now. The Hijbullah has informed that the attacks have been done in different places including two military stations near Akrir in the north region of Israel. Besides, it has also been demanded an attack has also been done on a military transport.
Israel military-force has said that they have crossed the drone over the borders and one drone has been arrested. Israel has accepted that some people have been injured by the drone-attack. The Hijbullah has said they would like to take revenge of Fuyad and Ismail Hania- killing. In perspective of revenge’s declaration of Hamas leader Ismail Hania-killing USA has said that they have enough ability to save Israel.
But in spite of knowing the issue of threat and war preparation of Iran, Lebanon and other friendly countries Israel did not stop their attack in Gaza. Nearly 100 people including women and children have recently been killed by the Israel-force in bomb-attack in a Gaza’s school. The Palestine’s officers have informed that the refugee-families took shelter in this school temporally. It is known from Gaza’s mass-media that three bombs of 2000 pounds have been used in this attack. The Israel military-force’s demand the terrorists and Commanders of Hamas used that school as a control-room. They used to live there in secret.
United States will pay arms more to Israel of which price will be 2 thousand crore dollars. The issue has been allowed by US. There are fighter-planes and other military equipments among them. From the war beginning in the last October till now US has sold more than ten thousand bombs and thousands of 2000pb missiles to Israel.
Yahiya Sinwar has been appointed in the place of Ismail Hania. But Israel has also made promise to kill him. The Arab News, a news-media of Middle-East has informed recently that the Israel Prime Minister has said in a military station that Israel is determined for self-protection. United States, Egypt and Qatar have called Israel and Hamas for emergency discussion to finalize the issue of cease-fire and freedom of protected people in Gaza.
They have been trying of mediation for long days. They have also said that this discussion meeting can be held in Doha or Cairo. The mediators have invited the Palestine leaders for participating in the meeting. But it has known that the Hamas’s representatives will not participate in this discussion. Some representatives including detective chief David Barnoya of Israel will remain present in the meeting. Besides, United States and Egypt’s representatives will remain in the meeting.
Top-most religious leader of Iran Ayatullah Ali Khomeni has said, ‘There is no scope of drawing back or releasing from the decision of revenge that has been taken against Israel’. He has said, ’The enemies are giving pressure to Iran through war of nerves as if we re-consider the plan of attack in Israel. But if we come back from the plan of military, political and economical –attack then Allah will pay a strict punishment’. But recently it has known from the New York Times that the United States government has said that Israel will not be successful in this war with Gaza. The Foreign Ministry of USA has informed this issue to the Israel Prime Minister.
Realizing the awfulness of wear and tear in the Second World- War different countries of the world, being brought together founded the United Nations Organization (UNO). Its way of work was to do domineering attitude that is say to establish peace mitigating enmity and militancy between two countries.
But from the journey of UNO till now the example of making peace in the world is a little. At present age this organization could not stop the Russia-Ukraine war and Israel-Gaza war. Nearly 40 thousand people including women and children in Gaza have been killed by Israel. They could not take real step of sending back the Rohingas of Myanmar who have illogically been living in Bangladesh for some years.
The United Nations Organization is ceased only informing statement, warning and condemn. They cannot take real step because of obstacle of some strong countries those bear lion’s share of UNO’s expenditure. The UNO’s activities depend on those countries like and dislike. For that reason the UNO has been working like a nail-teeth- less tiger for long times. In the name of selling weapons US has stood beside Israel.
Now the matter of seeing what Iran takes step. If Israel is not stop the war in revenge-threat of Iran then will Iran keep Israel in economical pressure or drive arms-attack In Israel? There is no deficiency of thinking of diplomatic analysts and general people.
If Iran launches an armed-attack in Israel and then Lebanon, Turkey and its friendly countries will undoubtedly participate in this attack. On the other hand it is sure that some other countries including United States will remain beside Israel. For that reason diplomatic analysts are not seeing lightly the possibility of being held Third World.
The writer is a columnist and retired deputy director of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy