79 factories in Ashulia declared holiday amid protests
- Last Update : 08:36:48 am, Monday, 9 September 2024
- / 723 Read Count
Savar (Dhaka) Correspondent
At least 79 factories in Ashulia, located from Baipail to Zirabo, were closed on Monday in the face of workers’ protest. But there are no reports of violence in the industrial area.
While visiting Ashulia’s Jirabo, Nishchintapur, Narsinghapur and some other areas, it was found that the authorities declared general holiday at 79 factories as the employees are observing work abstention.
Khairul Mamun Mintu, the Legal Secretary of the Bangladesh Garments and Sweaters Workers Trade Union Centre, said that leave notices were hung at the gates of several garment factories. Additionally, in some factories, workers started working in the morning. Later, general leave was declared to protect the factories from potential vandalism.
Md Sarwar Alam, Superintendent of Industrial Police Unit-1, said, the workers went to their respective workplaces but did not work and the management did not come to the factories. In this situation, the factories declared a holiday.
Vandalism, attack and loot incidents took place at some factories on Sunday, he added.